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Series Ticks

Series Ticks: This video contains how to use Series Ticks in AIV.


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Read 5 minutes tutorial here.

  1. Series Ticks used to show the ticks on pie chart to redirect the value of particular slice.

    dash box

  2. Click on disable ticks toggle button and once user enables ticks, control options will appear as shown in above figure.

  • Border Width: Used to control the border width of ticks on pie chart.
  • Border Opacity: opacity used to control the visibility of the ticks in pie chart.
  • Color: Color used to control the color of the ticks in pie chart.
  • Length: Used to control the length of the pie chart ticks.
  1. The Inherit property from series used to apply the individual color of ticks on pie chart.

    dash box

✒️ To know more about other Series properties click on below links:-

1. Dynamic Label

1. Series Group

2. Series Label

3. Series Legend Shape

5. Series Tooltip

6. Slice